Met jumpa lagi kawan-kawan blogger semua. Pada postingan kali ini, saya akan kembali mengadirkan antivirus Avira, tepatnya adalah Avira Premium Security Suite Ini adalah versi terbaru dari jenis Avira Premium Security Suite.
Well, barangkali masih ada dari sobat blogger yang belum mengetahui antivirus yang satu ini, disini akan saya coba kutipkan kembali deskripsi dari antivirus Avira tersebut. Sebagaimana telah kita ketahui bahwa ada 3 jenis produk antivirus Avira untuk kategori Home Edition, yaitu: Avira Personal (free), Avira AntiVir Premium (komersial) dan Avira Premium Security Suite (komersial).
Avira Premium Security Suite (53.65 MB) merupakan antivirus Avira produk Home Edition yang paling komplit. Antivirus ini memberikan proteksi yang menyeluruh: termasuk dari yang paling dasar sampai tingkat tercanggih; proteksi Email, Anti-Phishing, Anti-Spyware dan Anti-Adware PLUS: Anti-Spam, Firewall, WebGuard(Safe Surfing), Mode Game dan masih lebih banyak lagi! Untuk penjelasan lebih komplitnya, silahkan sobat baca dan simak sendiri di deskripsi berbahasa Inggris di bawah ini.
Screenshot: The features comparisson among the three Avira Antiviruses (Avira Personal - Avira AntiVir Premium - Avira Premium Security Suite)

Avira Premium Security Suite (53.65 MB) with Full protection: Includes basic and advanced antivirus protection, email protection, AntiPhishing, Anti-Spyware and Anti-Adware PLUS: Anti-Spam, Firewall, WebGuard (Safe Surfing), Game Mode and more! Complete security for workstations! The repeatedly awarded and worldwide used virus and malware protection by over 30 million users now also with WebGuard!
Avira is a German antivirus software company. Its antivirus applications are based on the AntiVir antivirus engine, first launched in 1988. It was called “H+BEDV Datentechnik GmbH” when it was founded. One of the antivirus software, AntiVir Personal, is free for personal usage. Avira is launching a new, comprehensive protection package for end-users as well as small offices and home workers: the Avira Premium Security Suite is a combination of Avira’s brand-new firewall and the proven anti-virus software AntiVir Personal Premium.
Even less experienced users can cope with the numerous security threats from the Internet with the central, intuitively operated user interface of the Suite.
Premium Security Protection:
• AntiVir stops all types of viruses
• AntiAd/Spyware eliminates ad/spyware
• AntiPhishing proactive protection against phising
• AntiRootkit against hidden rootkit threats
• AntiDrive-by prevents against downloading viruses when surfing
• AntiBot prevents dangerous bot networks
• EmailScannerEnhanced email protection
• WebGuard protection against malicious websites
• RescueSystem create a bootable rescue CD
• BackupSystem configurable data backup solution
• AntiSpam filters out unwanted emails
• FireWall protection against hackers
• GameMode uninterrupted game play
• QuickRemoval eliminate viruses at the push of a button NEW!
• NetbookSupport for laptops with low resolution NEW!
• ParentalControl block websites unsuitable for children NEW!
Highlights from the WebGuard:
• Checks Internet downloads against viruses
• Recognizes defective files before they are loaded on your computer
• Affected websites can be blocked, isolated or ignored
• Specific files and URLs can be excluded from the examination
• Works independently from the browser you are using
Avira Premium Security Suite is essential if you:
• Rely on the internet for everything
• Regularly shop and buy from online retailers, or bid on auction sites
• Ever access your bank or financial accounts online
• Chat, communicate and social network constantly
• Share your computer with your partner or other family members
• Worry about keeping your precious family memories safe–all those photos and movies stored on your PC
• Are concerned about what your children might see and do online
Operating System (OS): Windows ® 2000/XP/Vista/7
Steps in Activation:
Screenshot-1: Click 'Repair / update' if you have used old version of Avira Premium
Security Suite in installation.
Screenshot-2: Start to click 'Help' tab and then go to 'License management' to activate
Avira Premium Security Suite Next, click on 'hbedv.key'
and browse the Key.
Screenshot-3: 'The License has been successfully updated'.
Screenshot-4: 'License valid until 21-01-2012'.
Steps in Activation:
Screenshot-1: Click 'Repair / update' if you have used old version of Avira Premium
Security Suite in installation.
Screenshot-2: Start to click 'Help' tab and then go to 'License management' to activate
Avira Premium Security Suite Next, click on 'hbedv.key'
and browse the Key.
Screenshot-3: 'The License has been successfully updated'.
Screenshot-4: 'License valid until 21-01-2012'.
Screenshot-5: Interface of The Avira Premium Security Suite Full Version
For you who wants to use this kind of antivirus, please download it from the following Download Links to get its FULL VERSION.
1. INSTALLER / SETUP file (53.65 MB):
2. LICENSE KEY & README(Installation & Activation Guide).txt:
Don’t forget to firstly read its INSTALLATION GUIDE in the README.TXT file before doing installation.