A free utility designed to copy/move files faster and more secure
TeraCopy (1.7 MB) adalah sebuah utility yang didisain untuk mengkopi (copy) / memindahkan (cut) files lebih cepat dan lebih aman. TeraCopy bisa me-resume transfer-transfer file yang rusak. TeraCopy juga sanggup melewati (skip) file-file yang rusak (bad files) selama mengkopi dan bahkan bisa menunjukkan file-file yang terlewati tersebut di akhir transfer file. TeraCopy akan menghitung jumlah file disaat proses mengkopi untuk mempercepat penghitungan file sumber dan file target. Kopi dan atau pindahkan file dengan menggunakan tombol kiri mouse untuk menyeret (drag) atau dengan menggunakan perintah ‘Copy’ dan ‘Paste’, seperti yang sobat biasa lakukan karena TeraCopy juga sudah otomatis ter-integrasi ke system Windows Explorer di kompi sobat.
Dengan memakai software utility ini, sobat akan mendapatkan kepuasan tersendiri dalam mengkopi dan memindahkan file-file di kompi, khususnya untuk file-file besar/jumbo (MB/GB/TB), karena prosesnya jauh lebih cepat dan aman dibanding dengan cara yang sudah biasa kita lakukan selama ini. Kalau mau, sobat tinggal menyeret (drag) file-file yang sobat inginkan ke TeraCopy. Selanjutnya, tinggal klik Copy to, dan dalam hitungan detik/menit, file-file besar sobat sudah berhasil terkopi ke drive yang sobat inginkan.
Screenshot-01: Click on 'More' button at the first step in activating TeraCopyPro2.2

Screenshot-02: Click on 'Menu' button at the second step of activating TeraCopyPro2.2

Screenshot-04: Full Version of TeraCopyPro2.2

TeraCopy (1.7 MB) is a free utility designed to copy/move files faster and more secure. Can resume broken file transfers. TeraCopy skips bad files during copy and even shows the skipped files at the end of files transfer. TeraCopy will calculate files CRC checksum on the fly to speed up source and target files comparison. Seamless integration with Windows Explorer allows you to keep working with files as usual.
Copy or move files using left mouse button drag or 'Copy' and 'Paste' commands.
Here are some key features of "TeraCopy":
- Copy files faster. TeraCopy uses dynamically adjusted buffers to reduce seek times. Asynchronous copy speeds up file transfer between two physical hard drives.
- Pause and resume transfers. Pause copy process at any time to free up system resources and continue with a single click.
- Error recovery. In case of copy error, TeraCopy will try several times and in the worse case just skips the file, not terminating the entire transfer.
- Interactive file list. TeraCopy shows failed file transfers and lets you fix the problem and recopy only problem files.
- Shell integration. TeraCopy can completely replace Explorer copy and move functions, allowing you work with files as usual.
What's new in this release (change log)?
• Added: Better USB devices ejection.
• Added: Option ‘CardReader’ to ini file.
• Added: Option ‘ForceSameDriveMode’ to ini file.
• Added: New language strings.
• Fixed: Crush when testing md5 files.
• Fixed: Always test target folder and request admin privileges if needed.
System Requirements: CPU 2.0 GHz with 256 MB of Ram
Operating System (OS): Windows all
Screenshot-05: Example of files copying by using TeraCopyPro2.2

For you who are interested in this software, please go to the following Download Links to get its Full Version.
(Pswd: leechengsui.blogspot.com)
Don’t forget to firstly read its INSTALLATION GUIDE in the README.TXT file before doing installation.
If you want the two files [INSTALLER & SERIAL (Key)] are in one folder, you can download it from the Download Link below:
(Pswd: leechengsui.blogspot.com)